Jardin Couvert's definition
Updated on 2024-06-14 19:41


Basic opening hours

The Jardin Couvert is open every afternoon from Monday to Saturday between 02:30pm and 6:30pm. It will be closed during these periods :
  • Public holidays : 1st January, Easter Monday, 1st May, 8th May, Ascension Day, Pentecost Monday, 1st November, 11th November.
  • During summer holidays, between 14/07 and 31/08 ;
  • During Christmas holidays, between 25/12 and 31/12.

It may be closed exceptionally on days that will be indicated on the website.

Information addressed to professionals

There are 4 information mornings every year, between 09:30am and 12:00am.Contact by email to secretariat@jardincouvert.org for registration request.
Next dates provided that the number of registrants is sufficient  :

 wednesday 16 october 2024
 Wednesday 9 april at 18h45