The "Association for the welcoming of small children and their parents in a place of dialogue" (APELIPA) created, in September 1984, theJardin Couvert
12 rue du Docteur Auguste Lacroix
69003 LYON
Tel : 04 78 71 04 78
This association is a Dolto Structure based on the experiment conducted in Paris at the Maison Verte :

with the psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto.
The Jardin Couvert is a meeting place
The Jardin Couvert is a place where adults and children can take a break, where bonds are created between children, parents and welcomers.
The Jardin Couvert is a bridge between the family unit and society, a place where children are incited to develop early social contacts.
This transition from a family environment to a social environment is a fundamental experience for both small children and grown-ups.
The Jardin Couvert opens the family unit to society
In the presence of their mother, father or carer, the children will interact with other children and other adults who will also have the opportunity to express themselves.
Because there, they are surrounded by caring adults, children feel secure enough to explore on their own, to share toys and games with other children, thus preparing to adjust to nursery schools, daycare centers, crèches, schools, later in their lives.
At the Jardin Couvert, these daily experiments will help children to discover words to talk about new situations and to deal with them calmly.
The Jardin Couvert accompanies small children during their first years.
The birth of a child creates a family. It gives each family member a new status. The emotional environment in which children grow has an impact on them. They react by smiling, staring, laughing but also by crying, having tantrums or even eating or sleeping disorders.
To prepare children for interaction with other people, their body language must be understood and expressed by those who take care of them.
At the Jardin Couvert, small children and grown-ups can express their feelings with words because they feel confident.
The Jardin Couvert welcomes small children and grown-ups
The team of welcomers changes every afternoon. It consists of four people including one man. One of the staff members present is a psychoanalyst.
It provides everyone with a discreet opportunity to express the difficulties, sorrows and joys they encounter with their children. With the help of a staff member, words can be found to avoid isolation and give meaning to what we feel in our deep emotional lives : astonishment, fear, anger, sadness, and also joy.
The Jardin Couvert prepares children for their future lives as citizens :
Here children from all districts of central and Greater Lyon, even further afield, can meet. They discover, along with other parents and adults, ways of communicating and living together.
Visiting the Jardin Couvert is not limited to small children and those who accompany them. Future parents are also welcome.
The Jardin Couvert opening hours are MONDAY to SATURDAY 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
During the first four years of their lives children, who must be accompanied by someone who regularly looks after them, are welcome in a large, comfortable place where toys, books, scooters, slides, water games, drawing material and sandpits are provided.
There is no need to make an appointment.
A contribution of 2 Euros per child and per visit is required but should not be an obstacle for those who cannot afford it. Translated by Antoine TROMBIK