Jardin Couvert's definition
Updated on 2025-01-08 21:09


Morning or evening information and reflection sessions

Our association (the APELIPA) proposes morning or evening information and reflection sessions that take place in the offices of the Jardin Couvert at 12 rue Dr. Auguste Lacroix, 69003 Lyon.

Since 1982 we have been conducting a reflection on:
  • the reception of the little child into society,
  • the prevention of psychological and somatic difficulties,
  • the link between generations.
We propose to talk about this research with early childhood specialists as well as with anyone interested in these topics. These meetings, which are not open to the users of the Jardin Couvert, also provide information on our association, on the necessary conditions for the creation of a place for dialogue and the Jardin Couvert's work. Any association planning to open a Dolto structure like ours or even a different kind of structure can visit us to talk about it.

This is also an opportunity to meet some of the Jardin Couvert's welcoming staff members, to visit and get a better idea of the venue while respecting the principle of discretion ( visits during the reception of children and their families are not allowed).

If you are interested in our work, you can come or come back to participate in one of these meetings. Prior registration is required since the number of seats is limited.

To register, please call at +33 4 78 71 04 78 (between 2:30 and 6:30 pm).

This is not a formal sequence of meeting, so you can pick a date among those available.

These dates are mentioned in the Calendar section.

Other meetings can be organised for groups, at their request, within the limits of availability.

In addition, you have the possibility to acquire the booklet "Parler et grandir" which was produced at the time of the working day held on 20 November 2014 at ESPASCAF for the 30th anniversary of the jardin Couvert. You just need to ask at the secretary. The cost of the booklet is 10 Euros (or 13 Euros including postage)

Participation in the reception work

After attending a morning information and reflection session, people who are interested are free to come and live and share with us the experience of welcoming children and their parents by taking part in one, and potentially more, working afternoon.

It is important to remember that this proposal is not made to form part of a training course with certification. It is meant for professionals who wish to elaborate specific issues regarding their practice. The practical experience of welcoming within a Dolto structure is an opportunity to experiment the specificity of such a structure.

For someone to work in a structure like ours they need to be able to find their own place through a careful and discreet presence, and to cope with a situation where they won't be given prescriptive or prescrise tasks to accomplish. Each person interested will be received individually beforehand to talk about the particularities of this approach and to specify its terms.

You can register by booking an appointment by telephone at 04 78 71 04 78 (between 3:30 and 5:30 pm) on Monday with Virginie or Michel or on Tuesday with Jean-Pierre or Michèle. Translated by Antoine TROMBIK